Sunday, January 10, 2010


It seems as though that change in the heart behind my prayer was all God was waiting for because I received the remaining $700 I needed in funding and I can now praise God in proclaiming I am fully funded and excited and much less nervous to go now. Thank you prayer team for all your prayers!

I'm going to be taking a little break from all things media related for the next few days and really zone in on what God would have me see about Him and my relationship to Him. I will be saying a little good-bye Thursday morning on here before I leave, and my brother will be posting the daily prayer requests on here. If there is a day that God really moves on your heart to pray for something specific please feel free to share that with me, I will be keeping a detailed journal and I will hopefully be able to share with you what was happening around that time that you were being urged by the spirit to pray.

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