Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010
As our ideas of what this trip may look like shifts, or God changes our plans entirely, pray that we would all have the faith and flexibility to move WITH His will. Pray that the de-worming clinics will be successful and that God would use something so basic to touch the hearts and lives of His people. Pray that we would each have self-less attitudes and God-full attitudes. It's so easy to get tired or lazy after a few days and just decide to help out when you feel like it. Pray that God would help us guard our hearts towards this complacency and give us diligent hearts to make the most of every precious minute we have there.
Much of the international aid that is brought into the country is stolen by the rebels. Pray that something would change so that the people who NEED the help would receive the help that is sent to them and that God would prevent the rebels from being able to steal it.

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