Friday, November 27, 2009

Uganda Update and details.

I told some people I would post videos on here that I showed at the Uganda night at my house... while I posted them on face book I never did on here... sorry to those who have been looking.

These first few are put out by Loving One By One and are videos of previous trips.
Medical clinics and helping out in the hospital
Working with street kids
2008 Loving One By One trip
Invisible Children Documentary

.Just a reminder, this update is for those curious minds, not to guilt or manipulate in anyway. If anything it's to share in the joy of God's abundant faithfulness.

I still have 5 prayer supporters, out of the goal of 10

So as of right now, I have $675 in donations. God has shown me that I need to pay for at least 1/3 of my trip, so that brings me up to $1840. I need $3537.90 in total.

Thank you to all my supporters! God is pleased with your sacrifice, and I am anxious to share with you the fruit of this trip upon my return.

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