Saturday, November 21, 2009


God has been teaching me so much about faith this week. I've tried hard to keep my focus on him and trust that he will supply the needs for my trip. It's so easy to get caught up in the numbers and get scared though.

So I've been asked by several to have a place were my progress financially is posted. I feel that the prayer support is more important then that, so I'm going to keep that updated here too. This is in no way to guilt anyone into giving or anything, simply to have a place so curious minds can know and pray towards needs. PLEASE only get involved if God has laid this on your heart and you know he is calling you to support.

I have now 3 prayer supporters, I was hoping to have my goal met by now of 10 prayer supporters. Those who have made this commitment to pray I think you so much for your sacrifice.

So as of right now, I have $515 in donations. THANK YOU so much to those who have a obeyed God's call in this area (even if he called you not to give... I'm glad to see God's people walk in obedience) God has shown me that I need to pay for at least 1/3 of my trip, so that brings me up to $1640. I need $3537.90 in total.

So that's it for you all. I have sent out letters and had a Uganda night at my house and sent out information to my online contacts as well. If anyone has any fun fundraiser ideas, I'd love to hear them I'm trying to be very open to what God has in mind to fill in these gaps.

Thank you all for your support. May God bless you richly and supply all your needs and grant you a peace that passes all understanding in whatever circumstance you may be going through.

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