Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cookies, Coffee, and Uganda

Sunday, November 15, I will be having a get together to talk about my trip to Uganda.
If you are unable to make it and want info send me a message and I will send you info.

I will be sharing about Uganda's tragic history that makes the need there GREAT. and then my history and how God has brought me to this point to now be going to Uganda in 2 months (exactly 2 months...ahhhh!!)

Then I will be showing "Sunday, the story of a displaced child" By Invisible Children. Finally I will be talking about how EVERYONE can be involved. I need so much help to prepare for my trip and to get things together to take there. I need donations of medicine, first aid stuff, kids clothes, and if the Lord lays it on someone's heart, a video camera to borrow in order to document my trip. I am also still looking for financial and prayer partners.

I look forward to sharing with you the different areas of how you can be involved with Uganda missions.

I am working with Loving One by One ministries. Check out their website to learn more also!

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