Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's been a while

I haven't updated in a while, I guess cause I didn't think this was worth updating. Not a lot has happened. Nothing big anyway. God is continually showing me how I can be more like him, I am continually being stubborn and doing things my own way. This makes for interesting discipline from God sometimes.
Lately though it feels like something is a brew. Something is coming and God is laying the groundwork for it, but I can't see the big picture yet. I keep trying to fill in the blanks to the big picture but he changes that image every day.

I THINK that I will be leading a mission trip sometime next year. I don't know where, what we will be doing, or even who will go with me. It is where God seems to be leading me though.

I also keep thinking He has plans for me to go back to Reno, but I am starting to see that is me pushing my plans on God. So I'm trying to be more submissive in that area.

Although I am horrible at keeping things up to date, obviously, I will try very hard to update this once a week at least. That's about it for now. Check back again soon, cause things change fast when God is moving. :)

God bless!!

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