I'm on my way to being a missionary working around the world bringing the hope of the gospel through physical and spiritual healing.
I'm at the beginning of a long road. For months I have been overwhelmed by the length of the path in front of me. Not sure which foot to start out on. I realized that by not choosing a foot, I've been standing still.
So the purpose of this blog is to keep me on track. Each day I am committing to doing SOMETHING to work towards that goal. I can't stand still anymore, even a slow shuffle along this path is faster then the rate I am moving now.
The History:
It all started one summer I was working as a life gaurd at a camp in Eastern Nevada. The Theme was Jonah and missions. During worship God spoke to my heart and I listened. He asked why I wouldn't serve Him in missions. I made up some lame excuse like, "well, God, I have to be called to do something like that, I haven't been called..." I basically got an "oh yeah?!" from that and my heart began to move and to change. Once void of compassion for those lost and hurting my heart began to weap uncontrolably for those around the world...lost. I did some investigating into this newfound passion. I went to a conference. I changed majors. I moved to a cheeper place to go to a cheeper school. Ended up starting missionary bootcamp 101.
That first year after that breezy evening in the Ruby Mountains of Nevada I spent over a month in 2 different countries on three different trips doing mission work of various types, seeking confirmation. The first trip Mexico: Medical clinics - I found that I am yes called to missions after having two people approach me and ask me to sign on to work for a whole summer in Mexico who did not know my story. Second Trip Guatemala : Medical clinics/construction- Contacts were made and my passion was found. I want to become a doctor so I can perform emergency surgeries in the field and also perscribe medicine for different ailments. I see how God works through the physical to get to the spiritual. Jesus worked in the same way... So it makes sense to follow in his footsteps I think. Third Trip Guatemala :Construction/Food delivery - Passion began to build on this trip. A vision for my future developed.
The Vision:
I want to find my home in central america. Likely in Guatemala. Then I would like to go on intermitent short term trips to Africa, Southeast Asia and South America. I think this would develop into some sort of organization... but only God knows.
The plan to get there:
I want to go to medical school in Guatemala so I can learn to function in a third world country. I want to study tropical medicine there. I have to learn spanish because the first three years are in spanish. So that means Language school. Before any of this happens I have to pay off my debts. I have student loans and consumer credit. Lord willing I will be able to pay this all off in the next year or so, but there's a problem.
The problem:
I'm sick. Doctor's don't know what it is or why. It keeps me from being able to work. So for the past few weeks I felt like I fell into quick sand because I don't know how to work towards my goal if I can't work towards the first goal. (be debt free) I realized missionary boot camp means I need to grow and develop spiritually. So my project for now is to study God's word, and to pray. Pray that God would work through the missionaries working in the field now. That He would prepare the harvest and grow the team of missionaries I will be working with in the not to distant future. So this part of missionary boot camp begins.... NOW!
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