The theme of my life lately has been faith. So when I started a new reading plan I thought it would be good to do one on faith, since that's where God is working in my life anyway. Today I was reading Hebrews 11. Yeah it's cool to read about how people a LONG time ago obeyed God and trusted Him and had faith. There were two verses though that really struck me.
(Taken from The Message) Hebrews 11:6 - It's impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him. I think it's easy to forget that second part. That's why we hunger for someone to speak prophesy over us. It's why we hunger for healing. It's why we hunger for miracles. They are signs to us that God does care enough to respond to our prayers. The problem is miracles come when we ask for them in faith. If we're really asking for faith when we ask for miracles it's not likely that will come. Then we're discouraged that God didn't hear us. When it's not that... we just had the wrong attitude. If we need faith, we have to ask for it and then act on it. You can't just agree that you should have faith to have faith, you have to do something. That also means we need to obey and live in it. Do the crazy things God says to do. Listen for His voice. He's speaking to you, you just might not be listening. It means living like a promise from God is going to be answered. No back up plans. It means telling someone something they might not want to hear... but God wants them to hear. It means loving the unlovable. Living in faith is not easy.
Then it was funny because I was already putting this picture together in my head and I came to Hebrews 11:40 - God had a better plan for us: that their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole, their lives of faith not complete apart from ours. I think this is HUGE because sometimes living a life of faith, even in a christian community can feel lonely. Sometimes God calls us to do weird things that make us feel alone. But the simple truth is, if you are walking in faith... you are walking right next to Enoch, Noah, Abraham, David, Jesus, etc. You are never alone, nor were they ever alone. God is not limited by time and so in my head all these people - even today, are all walking together hand in hand obeying the God who made us. I don't know about you, but that's the most beautiful picture to me.
Step out in faith today. Ask God how He needs you to obey today. How can you become a man or woman of faith?
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