I know many of you have been praying for my health for years. I wanted to give you an update. In addition to the main endometriosis problem, for as long as I can remember I've had fatigue that would take over periodically for no known reason. It's effected school, my social life, my faith I've even had to quit jobs because of it, it's been an uphill battle for sure! Over the years I've been tested for everything under the sun and finally the doctors just labeled it with some catch all diagnosis that didn't really make sense and the treatment didn't help even in the slightest.
The fatigue hit again. It's slow to start so sometime last week I noticed I was really struggling. I decided to call my new doctor, the natropath, to see if I had set up the new diet she has me on wrong or something. After reviewing that she said that wasn't the problem but in the tests she ran the last visit there was one test that came back positive that may answer these questions.
I have a genetic mutation that effects my metabolism. I actually have two that work on the same pathway. So the enzyme that is supposed to be made by this gene isn't working. This can cause FATIGUE, heart disease (in the long rung) miscarriages, dementia, blood clots, etc.
The even more exciting part to finding the problem and putting and accurate name on it is the treatment is pretty simple and not that costly. It's two supplements a day, the receptionist said her husband is on the same stuff and it works like a miracle. It's gonna take 3-14 days to kick in (plus maybe a little bit because one of the supplements I have to wait until next week to get, they were out) As with everything concerning my health, I asked how this will effect me when I move to Africa after school. She said, I do need to be on these for the rest of my life. So when teams come over or people come to visit or I go home I'll have to get more and one bottle lasts 3 months of the one, not sure about the other... so it's really not that big of a deal. AND I"LL FEEL BETTER!!!
I'm not sure I've ever been so excited to get a diagnosis before ever! Thank you all for your prayers. I'll keep you updated.
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