Friday, March 23, 2012

How it all works

Isaiah 2:3b - "He'll show us the way he works so we can live the way we're made" (The Message) Doesn't that sum it up right there? That's why daily spending time with Jesus is so important. I grew up in church, went to a christian college and memorized a LOT of Bible verses growing up. So sometimes I feel like I know the Bible and I don't need to spend time with Jesus EVERY day. I just recently found myself at the bottom of a slippery slope and now that I'm back up on my feet I'm wondering how I got there to begin with.
 It starts with compromise.
Just when I was opening up my Bible I was thinking about how sometimes you hear pastors say if the last thing you want to do is read your Bible that should be the first thing you do. Well, that is true, I think I take my hunger for the word for granted. I decide that something else is more important and I'll still be hungry later so I'll wait. Well, it seems that hunger for the Word is like hunger for food. If you wait long enough you'll stop feeling hungry - at least for a while. When I started nursing school I knew Jesus was the only way I'd make it through. I was consistent and passionate about team each morning with Jesus. Then one morning I was tired so I decided to do it after class and sleep in. Well, after class there was homework and before I knew it I was climbing into bed never having STOPPED to talk to Jesus, sure I talked to him all day long, but I never stopped to listen to what he had to say aback. I never stopped to look to see how He wanted me to live today. I think Jesus changes us in such subtle ways sometimes it's hard to see him changing us at all. I like to see results and when I don't, what I'm doing feels futile.

  It ends with determination.
Now that I'm seeing what can happen to my heart when left unchecked I am reminded that Jesus constantly adjusting my path back onto His is vital. But now I have bad habits to break. I have gotten used to my "my-way" routine. It's hard to stop and choose Jesus especially because I'm not in an extreme position where I KNOW I can't go on without Jesus. Instead, I know I can make it through life on this earth by myself, but if I choose to let Jesus in I can LIVE the way I was made. It starts back up just like it stopped only in reverse. EVERY SINGLE DAY I mush choose to spend time in the Word. I must stop to listen to Jesus and I always need to pray that He makes me more like Him. If you're not getting stronger and pushing for a deeper relationship, you're getting weaker. There's no staying stagnant.

 So I am saying yes to God, I'm choosing His path, and I will not waver. My God is good.

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