Sunday, September 18, 2011

Going Back!

I have been called back to my children in Uganda. I am so excited. I’m officially going. First I officially have to go to nursing school. :) I’m feeling overwhelmed and nervous at this new junction in my life. I know it’ll be ok though and I just need to keep my focus on God. That’s HARD when everything around you is telling you to focus on the homework. I know God is good though and if I make him my priority then I will do well. MY first major act of obedience in this is, no homework on Sunday. This will be a constant challenge but will also allow me to do well in AWANA, I won’t feel pulled in different directions when I need to do AWANA stuff.

Pray for me as I make this transition to nursing school. I feel like not being around the church all the time that I’m not getting prayed for like I was when I was an intern and I need more prayer now.

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