The story of Jesus leading my life down a road unexpected toward a vision unrealized. I trust Him as he leads me around the world teaching me how to be His hands and feet.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Going Back!
I have been called back to my children in Uganda. I am so excited. I’m officially going. First I officially have to go to nursing school. :) I’m feeling overwhelmed and nervous at this new junction in my life. I know it’ll be ok though and I just need to keep my focus on God. That’s HARD when everything around you is telling you to focus on the homework. I know God is good though and if I make him my priority then I will do well. MY first major act of obedience in this is, no homework on Sunday. This will be a constant challenge but will also allow me to do well in AWANA, I won’t feel pulled in different directions when I need to do AWANA stuff.
Pray for me as I make this transition to nursing school. I feel like not being around the church all the time that I’m not getting prayed for like I was when I was an intern and I need more prayer now.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Africa please!
Friday, June 24, 2011
blogging purely
news worthy
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Writing poetry again apparently...
Monday, January 10, 2011
Life ugh
Monday, January 3, 2011
There's a song I learned when I was in Uganda in January with a phrase in the chorus that says "The Spirit of the Lord is moving in Africa." I see that to be true, as God is calling me back. As most of you know, I am doing a ministry internship at my church this year that encompasses Bible training and discipleship, and hands on ministry experience. We are doing several local and out of state outreaches and then we will be going to Tanzania, Africa (ironically enough, Uganda's neighbor) in March 2011. The team will be made up of the interns I am working with, so by March, they'll be my second family which will be the polar opposite from last time when I didn't meet them until I was in Uganda.
Although the emphasis isn't medicine on this trip, as most of my other mission trips have been, I will get to be working with the Maasai people at a YWAM base. In addition to my calling to medicine in the mission field, which I shared with you in last year's letter, while I was in Uganda, I learned my calling is also towards tribal/rural ministry. That's what we will be doing! So I'm excited to grow in this second avenue of the calling God has given me.
I am excited to invite you all again to join me on this experience too. I was so encouraged to see how God used many of you as a crucial part of the last trip. My vision for future ministry is in many ways becoming a reality through you. I feel like the calling I have also includes creatively involving those at home.
I loved the prayer sponsor-a-day last trip and I felt like it helped us feel like a team. I am still working on finishing the events summary; it has been a rather emotional journey to complete. I want to do something similar. Instead of a day of the trip though, I'm going to ask you to sponsor a portion of the trip such as travel or health. Details are on the prayer sponsor form.
I would also like to ask that if you feel led to share a word of encouragement or a funny story or experience for me to share with the team during the trip that you would consider supporting us in that way also.
Financially we are working as a team to raise support, and as I am writing this I feel like I am just supposed to ask you to pray and support in one of the three ways, but I'm not going to share the amount I need because I really only want you to give financially if God is calling you to. The same goes with the other two ways to support.
So PRAY and then...
1) Be a prayer sponsor and watch the Spirit of the Lord move your heart towards Africa with mine.
2) Be an encourager, send us a letter or story to help us through the trip and keep our eyes on Jesus
3) Financially support us as the Lord leads you to give.
Any responses can be sent to